Here’s a photo of Lisa with others at a training workshop she attended in Dublin last September….
Lisa is in the centre of the photo wearing a green top and white leggings…
Up-coming Workshops & Retreats!
The dates and details are:
June 20 & 21 (summer solstice!)

Click here for more information about the Tibetan Singing Bowl Workshop
June 22 & 23
We’ll practice playing crystal bowls for self healing; 1-2-1 with others and in groups for sound baths and meditation.
We’ll work with bowls both off and on the body to balance our physical and subtle energy body systems; and explore the resonance of musical intervals with two bowls to tonify depleted energy and disperse stuck energy and tensions…..
You don’t need to be a musician or singer to be effective with sound therapy, and you don’t need any prior experience of working with sounds or music or any other healing modality to join this workshop
Click here for more information about the Crystal Singing Bowl Workshop
If you’d like more information, or have any questions, please get back to me
Warm wishes