Why would anyone want to play a crystal singing bowl on New Year’s Eve?
I believe that the more we align ourselves with our true nature the more we will all flourish…
To do this we need to keep our chi flowing freely, our chakras balanced and our heart-minds open.
When we restore our natural vibrational harmony, we’re able to connect more freely and deeply with others.
Sharing…..supporting……celebrating together becomes more possible.
Often it’s small actions that make a big difference, like a warm hearted hug or a simple smile….
I find that playing a singing bowl regularly helps me to align with my nature and keep me balanced and healthy.
So I spent a few minutes on New Year’s Eve playing a rose quartz crystal singing bowl….and I set my intention to keep playing a crystal bowl or another sound therapy instrument every day throughoiut 2012.
Here’s a short video that I recorded:
Wishing you success, happiness and peace throughout 2012!
To find out more about the benefits of playing a crystal singing bowl, click here to join our sound therapy training program