Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy Training –
2-Day Certificated Workshop:
22 & 23 June 2014, Taylors Three Rock, Grange Road, Ballinteer, Dublin 16, Ireland
14 & 15 September 2014, Assembly Rooms, High Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, UK.
Relax * Re-Charge * Release
Join us for a unique sound therapy workshop….
You’ll discover how sounds can help you and others to:
- create more balance and harmony
- feel more relaxed and happy
- have more energy and vitality
- be more productive
- help conditions with pain, illness and disease
This 2-day sound therapy workshop is ideally suited for therapists, health care professionals, healers, musicians, singers and anyone who is keen to explore the power of sounds for healing, mindfulness and transformation.
On this workshop you’ll dive deeply into the world of healing with Crystal Singing Bowls.
You don’t need to be a musician or singer to be effective with sound therapy, and you don’t need any prior experience of working with sounds or music or any other healing modality to join this workshop.
The Colour of Sound Institute is running a series of 2-day workshops in 2014 / 15 covering a range of sound therapy instruments and techniques.
You can attend each workshop as a stand-alone experience, or as part of our professional practitioner training in sound therapy.
We offer two types of Diplomas:
A general Diploma in Sound Therapy – working with a broad range of instruments and your voice. Under this option, you would attend further workshop training, carrying out case-studies, completing workbooks and tacking a practical assessment all involving working with a number of instruments and your voice.
Specialist Diplomas – focusing on working with specific instruments, for example Crystal Singing Bowls. Under this option, you can progress from the 2-day workshop to take a Diploma in Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy. This involves a further 4-day workshop training, carrying out case-studies, completing a Workbook and taking a practical assessment all relating to working with crystal singing bowls.
The topics covered on this 2-Day Workshop include:
- What is Crystal Singing Bowl therapy?
- Benefits and applications of this therapy
- Types of Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy work: self-healing, one-to-one therapy & group work – we will practice each of these on the workshop
- How Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy works for healing and transformation
- Understanding and working with musical intervals
- Types of crystal singing bowls and wands
- How to play the bowls off and on the body
- Working with the subtle energy body system – the aura & chakras – in Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy
- Integrating voice with crystal singing bowls
- Working with the power of resonance, intent and imagery
- Techniques for assessing imbalances in clients
- Treatment options
- Creating structured healing water
- Contra indicators
- Client record keeping
- Client recommendations for active self-responsibility
- Bowl care
You will receive a Certificate for attending this 2-day workshop which will count as a Credit in our Diploma training programme.
Workshop Fees
The cost of attending this 2-day workshop as a stand-alone event is:
Dublin: Full Ticket – €140. You can get a €15 Early Bird Discount if you pay in full by 30th April, making the cost €125. A limited number of places is available at the concessionary rate of €95. Please contact us to apply for the concessionary rate.
This workshop is likely to sell out. To secure your place, please pay a deposit of £50 now by clicking the link below to go to our secure on-line shop
click here to book onto the Crystal Singing Bowl workshop in Dublin
Glastonbury: Full Ticket – £120. You can get a £15 Early Bird Discount if you pay in full by 31st July, making the cost £105. A limited number of places is available at the concessionary rate of £80. Please contact us to apply for the concessionary rate.
This workshop is likely to sell out. To secure your place, please pay a deposit of £50 now by clicking the link below to go to our secure on-line shop
click here to book onto the Crystal Singing Bowl workshop in Glastonbury
If you have any questions, or if you’d like extra information, please email:
or phone: +44 (0) 1208 873 974