Crystal singing bowls are often used in sound therapy, due to the nature of the healing vibrations that they emit.
This video shows crystal singing bowls in action treating a client with nausea.
Crystal singing bowls remove negative and blocked energies and emotions within the chakras, aura and physical body. They relax, re-align and balance the body, mind, heart and soul. The sounds emitted from the bowls are enchanting harmonic tones reminiscent of an angelic choir. The bowls create a feeling of peace in a loving and compassionate way, bringing us back into perfect balance and harmony.
Negative states of mind, stress and tension, as well as daily life may cause disturbances in the natural flow of energy in and around our body’s energy systems. Energies become disrupted, causing blockages, which create dissonant vibrations as we become out of sync with our individual, unique and natural rate of vibration, and this over time may cause disease, stress, tension or disharmony to manifest.
Quartz crystal singing bowls can bring us back into our natural state of balance, retuning the chakras, aura and physical body to its natural state of healthy resonant vibration. These bowls allow the body, mind, heart and soul’s highest potential to vibrate in perfect balance and harmony. If you are in a state of perfect harmony your potential will shine and vibrate out into the universe.
Crystal singing bowls have the power and potential of both the quartz crystal with which they are made and the sound that they emit. The physical body is made up of various crystalline substances. The bones are made from a combination of collagen, which is a protein in the form of a double helix intertwined around it that forms the framework for a type of calcium phosphate crystal called “Apatite”. Apatite crystals exist throughout the body, in the skull and in our teeth.
Therefore the crystal that is in our physical body, resonate with the crystal singing bowls sounds, which travels effectively in the water, which makes up more than 70% of our body, means that crystal bowls have the capacity to alter the structure of our being. These bowls re-align those parts of us that are imbalanced with the use of sound combined with crystal. This creates a vibration that will amplify and transform the healing energies, which are stored within the bowl, and work directly with the crystalline structure of the body as well as alter brain wave frequencies, allowing us to enter into the alpha-theta optimum healing frequency and also creating a balance and synchronisation in the two hemispheres of the brain.
As the bowls are made of quartz crystal and the physical vehicle strongly resonates with the energy of quartz, then the crystalline and cellular structure and makeup of the human body, which is combined with the sound vibration, enables the energy to echo throughout the body’s cavities, thus creating an extremely dynamic level of harmonic response. We know through digital technology that quartz amplifies, transforms, stores, focuses and transfers energy; this then must be true when working with crystal bowls and the body. Examples of this can be seen in digital technology used in such items as microphones, radio and television equipment, timepieces, laser tools and computers.
To find out more about how to work with crystal singing singing bowls, join our sound therapy training program by clicking here.