Recently I received an email from a student who wanted some guidance on giving distance healing while using sound therapy.
Here is what she wrote:
Hi Tony,
My friend has asked me to do a distance healing for her friend and I am wondering of it’s okay to ask what sort of things you suggest for lower back disc problem and paralysed right leg and foot.
I have sent some energy and positive intention last night but would like to follow more formal procedure tomorrow.
I now know the Ephphata and veni sancte spiritus chants, found Namo Amitaba ‘I go to the buddah for light’ and was wondering what other ones I should consider?
Maybe Hraum and D notes for sacral area? Using C note for root chakra and grounding to address the lower part of body with the leg and foot problem?
I have heard there are family problems and in the back of my mind I am linking that to lower back issues -lack of support? So I would like to send comforting love to that issue too. Which is the best vehicle or ‘carrier wave’ to send that?
I am asking for your advice as I am not sure whether to use just one chant/mantra or a few? I have so many books and theoretical ideas but not much experience. I would welcome any tips of what you might do if that’s okay?
I used some bells and did a reiki meditation to prepare last night but wonder what’s up today as I have lots of problems with electrical appliances today and am feeling unsettled by it. Usually I only have these electrical field issues when I am overwhelmed, other times I find these mysterious happenings very interesting.
I try to observe and not judge and let things move through. Usually it’s not scary and I just observe but I’d like to feel sure I want to only send good energy out.
Love and light,
Here’s what I wrote in reply
Hi K
Thanks for your email.
I think for this distance healing to work well you ideally need to do a number of things:
1. Have some kind of personal connection with the recipient, ideally a phone call, or email conversation, at the very least know their full name and have a photo of them
2. Have a sense of their belief / faith system and align your chant and other sounds to that
3. Agree with the recipient a time for the distant healing to take place, and invite him / her to be still, open and receive it at that time
4. Then follow the sound intention transformation protocol that I’ve given you, and which is in Module 7 of the Certificate in Sound Therapy program.
5. Keep it simple. Stick to one chant per session, and maybe one instrument. The sound waves and vibrations don’t physically carry to the person. Your intention does carry though. The sounds amplify your intention. They help to align you with the ‘field’ and connect more fully and deeply with the energy of the recipient.
6. With distant healing don’t get too technical with what note to use etc.
7. Focus on developing feelings of love & compassion in your your heart and send that feeling out together with the intent.
8. Visualise that the recipient is already healed and what it feels like to be healed
9. Invite your friend who asked you to do the healing to also be involved at the same time, and any one else who might add their healing energy to the field.
10. Don’t get caught in analysis paralysis – you need to step into the flow, do it and make it happen. Admit to yourself “I’ve got enough books for now. I’ve seen enough YouTube videos for now.” Use the time and energy that you currently put into reading and being on the computer to practicing sound therapy and building up your experience.
The electrical happenings are probably a sign that you are ready for this work. Don’t give them too much significance.
I hope this is helpful.
Love and light