Sound healing instrument produce sonic waves with mixed frequencies mostly between 30 and 5000 Hz.
Therefore, the vibrations which are produced lie within a frequency range that can be directly felt at the point of contact and in the surrounding area.
In this sense sound healing can be compared to local vibration therapy.
The deep penetrative effect of sound wave treatment can be attained by both direct application to the bone and to relatively soft tissue.
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Hi Tony, these resources have great information which is very exciting! I wondered thought how specific and controlled the applications of vibration in these experiment can compare with general sound instruments. Has there been any such comparisons? Of course after listening to the weekend webinar it is not all about evidence based because generally in real life everything cannot be controlled for! Great info though! Thanks!
Hi Ruth Thank you for your positive comments. These are great questions! Most of the research experiments were done with relatively low frequency acoustic sounds (generally between 100 and 400 Hz) applied with an electronic device on the body. The method is very similar to the application of tuning forks or other instruments directly on the body of similar frequencies.