Sound Therapy Retreat, Island of Iz, Croatia
The Colour of Sound Institute ran a 7-day sound therapy retreat on the peaceful island of Iz in Dalmatia, Croatia from 30th August to 6th September 2014. The retreat was attended by 23 people from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, UK and Ireland.
The venue was Hotel and Kamp Korinjak on the edge of the small town of Veli Iz. In addition to the twice daily sound therapy workshops, participants could also attend free of charge yoga sessions, gong baths, mantra chant sessions, and sacred dance in the evenings. The hotel and camp is located right next to the crystal clear sea and is surrounded by a pine forest.
During the sound healing retreat we worked with Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, crystals, bells, tingshas, pendulums, gongs, drums, harmony balls, shakers, rattles and our voices for healing and transformation…
The team of facilitators from the Colour of Sound Institute were Tony Nec, Jane Satchwell, Cathy Edgar and Chaitanya Francesco.
We would like to thank Sonja for doing the translation from English to Croatian language, Suzanna for facilitating a laughter yoga session and Simone for facilitating a runes yoga session.
On one sunny morning we took a boat over to a small uninhabited islet were we did the runes yoga, sang chants and gave a shamanic drum healing session i=n a pine forest beside the sea.
Here’s a short video with clips from our trip to the islet…..
The sound therapy retreat also involved a series of guided meditations and sound ceremonies to activate the intentions of participants for their own healing and transformation. This is a very important part of the sound healing process.
Frequency + Intent = Healing
Jonathan Goldman summarised this in his first book; ‘Healing Sounds’ with the formula: Frequency + Intention = Healing.
The purpose of the retreat was to give participants a deep experience of the power of healing sounds and our unique sound therapy process.
We also taught people how to give sound therapy to others, providing a structured framework to begin practicing with family and friends.
Participants also have access to all the internet resources we provide for the Certificate in Sound Therapy, including videos, audios, eBooks and Workbooks.
These resources complement and extend the teachings given during the retreat, making this a very comprehensive learning and development process.
The Certificate in Sound Therapy comprises Level 1 in our professional practitioner training. Level 2 is the Diploma in Sound Therapy.
We are planning to return to Croatia in August 2015 to hold another sound therapy retreat to deepen and extend the teachings.
Click here for more details about our on-line course for the Certificate in Sound Therapy
Below are some photos taken during the retreat.
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